The RTCI template calculates the Residual Trap Catch Index (RTCI) and confidence intervals for your possum monitoring data. It is for those who hold a possum population monitoring Designer's Certificate and have been instructed in the use of the template during the designer training course.
The template was amended November 2006 to extend its inherent data integrity procedures, changing the way escapes are treated. Data can now be entered directly from the field forms, and the spreadsheet will automatically allocate escapes to either non-target, or possum caught, in calculating the RTCI.
Perceived advantages are:
- Eliminates operator error due to incorrect allocation of escapes.
- Spreadsheet matches the field record, creating an unambiguous electronic record.
- Saves time as designers do not have to manually assess the status of each escape.
- Allows non-designers to complete data entry without needing to know escape rules.
Obtain the data entry template by:
Downloading here, (9Mb PDF - it may take some seconds), or
Emailing NPCA.
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